Thursday, February 6, 2025

People v. Gervero G.R. No. 206725 July 11, 2018


People v. Gervero 

G.R. No. 206725 

July 11, 2018  



On or about the 25th day of November, 1991, the accused, conspiring and confederating with one another, with deliberate intent and decided purpose to kill, armed with firearms, they were then provided, through treachery, evident premeditation and superior strength, did then and there, wilfully, unlawfully, and feloniously attack, assault, shoot and hit HERNANDO VILLEGAS, JOSE VILLEGAS and BENITO BASUG, JR. with said firearms inflicting upon said Hernando Villegas, Jose Villegas and Benito Basug, Jr. numerous gunshot wounds on different parts of their bodies which caused their deaths immediately thereafter. 

The RTC found the accused guilty of murder which the CA affirmed with modification, hence this appeal.  

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Major Life Update- KULASA passed the 2024 Bar Examinations

fervently praying while waiting for the results

Hi there! In case you have been following this blog and stumbled upon my Law School Journey and my case digests, I am ecstatic to announce that we passed the 2024 Bar Examinations! Yiiiiii!!!! ahem, sorry could not contain my happiness which I believe is acceptable since barely thirty days have passed since the announcement on December 13, 2024.

So, expect this blog to be blasting with hmmm more case digests 😍. Promise, from time to time there will still be fashion posts and lifestyle sharing. In the meantime, I live my professional life inspired by God's amazing blessings. 

But, for starters, I have been meaning to make a long post on tips to passing the Bar Examinations so we could help others out there who have been painstakingly working on their most coveted title-Attorney. My journey however is unique since I also finished my Medical Degree and passed the Medical board examinations, let us say several years ago 😁. I'd love to type on and start that post but I have to park the keys for now and just type on about how truly grateful I am to the Almighty, my family, friends, mentors, classmates and blogger besties for helping me hurdle a difficult, challenging and mind blowing career examination. 

So cheers to the Letters in November lighting up many other minds onwards to their dreams! Promise, I will blog daily from now on (can you believe that? because I don't) 😇

With all humility and sincerity. 


Friday, October 4, 2024

Chasing Sunrises- Day 1

I woke up early this morning and chased the sun! Walk with me 😉

5:37 AM

5:38 AM

5:45 AM

5:55 AM

6:16 AM

and just like that! everything lit up! 
Cheers to another day!

Thank you, Lord, 😍


Friday, October 4, 2024

Amici Resort

Hello there! 

So, I had a chance to travel after a mind grueling two and a half months of studying. gee, I just misspelled and had to edit the words "grueling" and "misspelled" after typing I spent time studying, mercy please.  😅

Anyway, here goes the resort review/appreciation/photo blasts 😀.

I don't feel like putting my thoughts into words so I will let the photos speak. I am lazy, yeah that's more like it. But this is a must to write -"I had a great time." 

The resort name- Amici (an Italian word that means FRIENDS) expresses the description of the experience. 

It was a restful week with friends amidst work. 

our room which was good for two to three persons- one queen-sized bed and a pull up bed

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Happiness is A Choice

Hi there! I just got back from a major national exam to test my brain 👀😃mmmm or my sanity and physical fitness. 

The results will be out around the first week of December. 

In the meantime, I lounge around and enjoy life as it is. Yay! I finally have the time to blog, to sleep a complete eight hours, to watch Netflix on weekends and to meditate. I might even find the time to make case digests! haha

Happiness is a choice baby! People may wrong us, even the ones we love dearly but at the end of the day it is truly up to us to forgive and forget and what the heck! Life is too short to waste hating and regretting and crying. Wow! I am now officially a matured person hurray!

I doubt anyone is reading my thoughts here so blah blah I go wehehehe...

Anyway, my "message me" page is not working so should you be interested to chat you can always find me at my IG page. 


Sunday, November 5, 2023




G.R. No. 264029

August 8, 2023


Petitioner and private respondent were candidates for the position of Punong Barangay of Matacla, Goa, Camarines Sur, in the May 14, 2018 BSK. E. Private respondent garnered 786 votes, while petitioner got 789 votes. Not satisfied with the election result, private respondent filed a protest before the MTC which granted the protest. The COMELEC dismissed the appeal for appellant’s failure to submit his brief within the prescribed period. MR to the COMELEC En banc was denied, hence this petition.